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The APSA Election will be held from April 21, 2021, to April 28, 2021.   


This year we will have 2 Executive Board Officer positions, Vice President and Recording Secretary, along with 4 Board of Directors positions.






Please preview the position descriptions below:


Vice President 

Term of office: Aug. 1, 2021 – July 31, 2025 - 4 years
Remuneration: $675/month 




  • Perform those tasks and duties pertaining to the preparation of materials and information needed for contract negotiations. All members of the Association shall be provided an opportunity to propose contract issues which will help determine the degree of support of the proposed contract issues and objectives.

  • Serve as a liaison to Association representatives on designated committees and provide reports to the Executive Board of activities of designated committees that apply to the Association in the absence of any other reporting member.

  • Serve as Chair of the Negotiating Committee.

  • Appoint the Association's Negotiating Committee, at least four (4) months prior to the onset of contract negotiations, said Committee members to be approved by the Executive Board.

  • Provide monthly reports to the Executive Board and semi-annual reports to the Association membership on contract negotiations or issues related to contract negotiations.

  • Perform duties common to all Executive Board members as listed in Section 5.4.

  • Perform those tasks and duties that result from any grievance of concern arising from proper or improper administration of any Association contracts.

  • Consult with Association members and bargaining unit employees, as needed, including, but not limited to, concerns about contract issues or events in the person’s workplace.

  • Coordinate grievance paperwork.

  • Resolve or recommend methods of resolution to any such grievance matters that arise, reporting same to the President and/or Executive Board.

  • Serve as Chair of the Grievance Committee.

  • Appoint the Association's Grievance Committee, subject to approval by the Executive Board.

  • Provide a current written grievance report at monthly Executive Board meetings and provide semi-annual written reports to the Association membership.

  • Consult and refer appropriate matters to the Association's legal counsel.

  • Report to the President and/or Executive Board recommended methods of resolution to any grievance matters that arise. Seek Executive Board approval to pursue arbitration in specific cases.

  • Assist with training the Association's grievance committee, convene meetings of the grievance committee.

  • Perform duties common to all Executive Board members as listed in Section 5.4.

Nominees for Vice President 


Name: Aaron L. Minnis

Department: Residence Education and Housing Services

Position at MSU: Facilities Manager II

Years Employed at MSU: 19

Years as an APSA Member: 19Past Involvement/Current Interest: I have had the pleasure to serve our APSA membership as Vice President over the last 4 years. Prior to being elected to VP, I served on the Board of Directors, as well as, the Assistant Grievance Officer. I have found my experience as Vice President to be challenging, yet overwhelmingly rewarding. I have had the opportunity to assist with our contract, and furlough negotiations, special conferences with Office of Employee Relations, as well as meet and assist many members from across the University. Whether the meetings have been welcome meetings, quick questions or representing a member in an OIE investigation, I strive to provide a listening ear, counseling, professional advise and continued communication to all members I have had privilege of assisting. As we look to the future of APSA here at MSU, we have some substantial challenges lying ahead, especially related to University finances and their impact on our collective bargaining unit. I believe very strongly in the direction and leadership of APSA, and our Associations responsibility to our membership through these challenges. As such, I humbly submit my nomination to continue to serve our membership in the position of Vice President. Thank you.

Other Interests/Involvement at MSU: I am an avid MSU sports fan, enjoy campus events with my family and play in a golf league with other MSU team members


Recording  Secretary

Term of office: Aug. 1, 2021 – July 31, 2024 - 3 years

Remuneration: $250/month 




  • Keep a record of all regular and special meetings of the Association, all Executive Board meetings, and all other meetings of Association committees as directed by the Executive Board.

  • Provide electronic copies of the previous month's Executive Board meeting minutes prior to the next Executive Board meeting and written copies at the next Executive Board meeting for approval by the Board.

  • Keep all past minutes and records of such meetings, updating as necessary and pass the cumulative material on to succeeding Recording Secretaries.

  • With approval of the Executive Board, prepare, provide and disburse compiled and recorded material as directed.

  • Prepare the agenda for all meetings.

  • Act as the Historian of the Association by keeping minutes, newsletters and any other relevant documentation of the Association.

  • Perform duties common to all Executive Board members as listed in Section 5.4. viii. Perform all other duties which are normal to the Office of Recording Secretary

Nominees for Recording Secretary 


Name: Kathleen Deneau

Department: University Advancement – Annual Giving Programs

Position at MSU: University Advancement – Annual Giving Programs

Years Employed at MSU: 20

Years as an APSA Member: 17

Past Involvement/Current Interest: As Recording Secretary for APSA members and the executive board, I feel privileged to represent and serve my fellow Michigan State University supervisors. I have an appreciation for the importance of members concerns and needs. After serving as a member of the APSA contract negotiations team I also have a greater understanding of the importance of our contract and its impact on our membership. I have felt honored to work alongside my fellow board members who are dedicated, professional and passionate with their roles and responsibilities. The recording secretary is an important position that provides a real working history of our association’s meetings. I take my position seriously and I am committed to continuing my record of attending all meetings, accurately recording board meeting minutes, conscientiously voting on association business, and representing our membership in a professional manner. I genuinely appreciate and value your support of my candidacy.

Other Interests/Involvement at MSU: As an employee, two time graduate of MSU (bachelors in Communications and master in Education,) and parent to an MSU graduate I am extremely dedicated to the success of our university and I am committed to APSA’s role in helping to advocate on behalf of our membership. I am an active volunteer in our community and I am passionate about issues related to children’s welfare, food insecurity and animal protection and care.


Name: Kristi Lowrie

Department: Teacher Education

Position at MSU: Administrative Assistant III/S

Years Employed at MSU: 24

Years as an APSA Member: 14

Past Involvement/Current Interest: I have not been involved in the APSA in the past as my jobs have been so demanding. I would like to get involved in the association as I think we are embarking on some challenging times at the University. I am a very organized and detailed oriented person and believe my strengths could benefit the organization.

Other Interests/Involvement at MSU: I have developed, with the help of Rae Chaloult in the Title IX office on campus, a sexual harassment training program that is offered to Staff, faculty and graduate student in the College of Education This was the first of its kind on campus.



Name: Cheryl Berry

Department: RHS Culinary Services

Position at MSU: Assoc Director of Marketing & Communication

Years Employed at MSU: 09

Years as an APSA Member: 07

Past Involvement/Current Interest: I'm excited to bring my skills to the APSA union board as the secretary. As a marketing and communication professional, I would focus on keeping members informed, increasing membership, promoting union benefits, and sharing information between board members critical to decision-making processes. Providing the APSA membership with a monthly newsletter would be a prime example of the communication-building methods that I could establish for the union.

Other Interests/Involvement at MSU: In my role as a communicator, I represent Culinary Services and do outreach to the campus community and prospective and established students. Creating brand awareness and building the customer base is a major aspect of my position. This is a crucial element for the union board to gaining and retaining new members. When employees understand the union and the benefits that it offers, they will support it. That is a role I would definitely be able to assist with and help make a difference in.

(4) Directors

Term of office: Aug. 1, 2021 – July 31, 2023 - 2 years

Remuneration: $60/month 




  • Represent the Association as an elected member of the Executive Board.

  • Perform duties authorized by the President and/or the Executive Board.

  • Attend all monthly Board meetings, retreats, and special meetings, unless excused by the President. Begin attending Board meetings as soon as elected to the position with voting privileges to begin when term of office begins.

  • Serve as members of Association committees and/or University committees, as appointed by the Association President or Executive Board.

  • If the President is unable to make appointments as set forth in these Bylaws, the majority of the Executive Board present and voting will designate an Acting President until the President is able to resume their duties.

  • Act as Recording Secretary, as appointed by the President, if said Secretary is unable to attend a monthly Executive Board meeting.

  • Be available to all Association bargaining unit employees for consultation and be knowledgeable to direct said bargaining unit employee to the appropriate Association Officer, if further consultation is needed.

  • Vote on issues brought before the Executive Board.

  • Approve all appointments of committee members.

  • At the expiration of their term shall deliver to their successor all books, monies,and other property of the Association.5.5


Nominees for Directors


Name: Sam Fortino

Department: IPF - Mechanical Services

Position at MSU: Mechanical Services Supervisor

Years Employed at MSU: 07

Years as an APSA Member: 04

Past Involvement/Current Interest: I have served on the board for the past 2 years and look forward to involvement going forward. I think I bring a unique mindsight, having worked in and with different unions outside of MSU for 20 years.

Other Interests/Involvement at MSU: Rabid MSU Sports fan!!


Name: Sharon Potter

Department: REHS

Position at MSU: Facilities Supervisor University Apartments

Years Employed at MSU: 18

Years as an APSA Member: 16

Past Involvement/Current Interest: I have been an APSA director for the past four years, serving on the following committees: Negotiations committee for the 2019-2023 union contract where we were able to negotiate for items such as: stand by pay for level 10 and 11 supervisors, up to 6 weeks of paid time of for the birth/adoption of a child, and reduction of merit percentage component in pay raises. The by-laws committee where we review the by-laws bi-annually to ensure that we as an association are meeting your needs and the needs of the association. The Employee Assistance Program committee, we meet bi-annually to discuss the EAP program and how it can best serve the employees of the university. The board worked with the University this past year to negotiate the furlough agreement, so that members will have benefits and protections if furloughed during the pandemic. I have enjoyed my time serving on the board and hope to continue to serve if reelected.

Other Interests/Involvement at MSU: I work customer service for football games in the fall, and serve on the award winning float team for the REHS home coming float.



Name: Natan A Espinosa

Department: RHS- Culinary Services

Position at MSU: Dining Service Manager

Years Employed at MSU: 12

Years as an APSA Member: 03

Past Involvement/Current Interest: I am currently serving as Director for APSA leadership, I have served as Board of Directors for The Greater Lansing Association of REALTORS for a total of 10 years.

Other Interests/Involvement at MSU: Real Estate investments, and Innovation Group for RHS at MSU, looking ways to redefine Culinary Services future as one Culinary Services


Name: Julie Huston

Department: College of Human Medicine

Position at MSU: Office Supervisor

Years Employed at MSU: 05

Years as an APSA Member: >1

Past Involvement/Current Interest: I have seen how much good APSA has done for all supervising employees at MSU over the past year of the pandemic. I am a proud (albeit new) union member and would like to be a part of this effort. I have a lot of experience and skills that I can contribute as I came to MSU after a 30 year career at a large union- heavy corporation, I have several process improvement certifications and my MBA. Thank you

Other Interests/Involvement at MSU: *CHM Academic Affairs recognition committee *Work Life Office Workshops and presentations *Diversity, Equity and Inclusion presentations *Various charitable drives: Fill the Bus, Dino 5k, etc.



Name: Kristina Reitler

Department: RHS - Kellogg Hotel & Conference Center

Position at MSU: Director of Sales

Years Employed at MSU: 12

Years as an APSA Member: 07

Past Involvement/Current Interest: I am grateful for the opportunity to apply for a Director position. Over the years, I’ve considered a greater involvement with APSA, but my interactions with President, Joe Garza, this past year are truly what motivated me to apply. I am inspired by President Garza’s leadership, kindness, honesty, and dedication to our members. I would be honored to join this group and continue to serve our University with such pride. There is immense value in collaboration and communication while working toward improvement. During my career at MSU, I’ve had the joy to foster relationships and build trust toward a common goal. I thank you for your consideration.

Other Interests/Involvement at MSU: In my role at Kellogg Center, I have the pleasure to supervise six APA team members and one 1585 team member. I place much attention on team member professional development, personal growth, and strive to provide a safe environment for open communication. I’ve been blessed to be part of various involvements ranging from SHG 5-year Review, multiple interview committees, UCS Web Content Taxonomy, REHS/RHS Dialogues, RHS COVID Look Ahead Planning Team, and RHS 2026 Strategic Planning Committee. My involvement outside of MSU includes, a proud member of the Rotary Club of Lansing and a board member of the Greater Lansing Convention and Visitors Bureau.



Name: Anthony Huff

Department: Residence Education Housing Services

Position at MSU: Facilities Manager I

Years Employed at MSU: 06

Years as an APSA Member: 06

Past Involvement/Current Interest: My name is Tony Huff and I am interested in running for one of the vacant Board of Directors positions for this upcoming term. Here at MSU, I was hired as an RHS Facilities Supervisor in 2014 after working throughout my undergraduate years as a student supervisor and on-call. In 2018, I became a RHS Facilities Manager I, supervising the day-to-day operations for the RHS Preventative Maintenance and Central Maintenance teams. During my tenure, it has always been a goal of mine to serve on the APSA Board and I am at a point as though I feel that my experience at the institution will benefit the membership. Currently, I am enrolled at the Eli Broad College of Business Master of Science in Management, Leadership, and Strategy with an anticipated graduation date of December 2022. It is my sincere hope that I will be able to utilize my development in strategic decision making, negotiation, and overall leadership and team management from this program to help continue to evolve the APSA team to meet the needs of its membership.

Other Interests/Involvement at MSU: Participate in the MSU Staff Golf League (Wed) Event Staff for Football and Basketball



Name: Jaci Sayen

Department: RHS Planning and Projects Office

Position at MSU: Assistant Health and Safety Coordinator

Years Employed at MSU: 13

Years as an APSA Member: 11

Past Involvement/Current Interest: Served as an APSA Board Director since 2015. Created the functional website, and serve on the membership and outreach subcommittee that pitched providing face coverings to members this past year. Currently interested in continued LOA discussion and impacts to upcoming contract negotiations. Additionally, my interest is in advocating to support flexible working arrangements in a post-COVID world.

Other Interests/Involvement at MSU: Working in Health and Safety over the course of the past year I have been able to engage with how we manage a crisis from a divisional, university, and union perspective. I also serve on Spartan Child Development Center's board where I help support and advocate for our youngest Spartans.




Name: Sherrie Lenneman

Department: CHM Office of the Dean

Position at MSU: Office Supervisor

Years Employed at MSU: 39.5

Years as an APSA Member: 15

Past Involvement/Current Interest: I would like to help make a difference for our members. I was once in an unfortunate situation and needed to turn to the union for guidance. I want to be that person for others.

Other Interests/Involvement at MSU: I serve as the coordinator for our CHM Dean's Student Advisory Committee and am co-coordinator for our Council On Diversity Education. I have a Therapy Dog that when we were able to comes to campus to interact with the students during a crisis, exams or just for companionship.


Name: Linda Walters

Department: Epidemiology and Biostatistics

Position at MSU: Technical Specialist II/S

Years Employed at MSU: 25

Years as an APSA Member: 25

Past Involvement/Current Interest: Like being outdoors, cooking and baking, getting to know others at MSU and building relationship across campus and other vendors like Dell,etc. Learning new technical and helping other to use it.

Other Interests/Involvement at MSU: Like to setup social events that MSU and our Department events for staff. faculty and students. Like helping other learn the new technology across campus.



​Name: Samantha Stevens

Department: University Licensing Programs

Position at MSU: Director of Licensing

Years Employed at MSU: 06

Years as an APSA Member: 06

Past Involvement/Current Interest: I have not previously been involved with APSA before, however, I am interested in becoming more involved with APSA and representing our members. This past year has shown how important having union representation is during a time of uncertainty as employers are looking to restructure and do everything possible to save money. Throughout my career I’ve been involved, often on a leadership level, with many different associations. It has provided educational opportunities, the gift of friendships, and creative, challenging endeavors. I know that boards benefit from different perspectives and that is something I can offer. Association involvement has been a large part of my professional life. To APSA, I offer my skills, experience, a positive attitude, and a healthy sense of humor. I would appreciate the chance to serve on the APSA board.

Other Interests/Involvement at MSU: I have a dual report to RHS & University Communications at MSU. This unique structure allows me to have knowledge on how two very different divisions operate within the university.


Name: Josh Reilly

Department: Olin Student Health

Position at MSU: Office Manager

Years Employed at MSU: 06

Years as an APSA Member: 05

Past Involvement/Current Interest: I have had a lot of experience dealing with the different unions during my time as a supervisor. I have always appreciated that when I have reached out to this union for support I have gotten a response. I feel it is important that other supervisors continue to experience that same level of support and I think it is important I explore being a part of that.

Other Interests/Involvement at MSU: I enjoy college basketball and spending time with my family.



Name: Rob McDonnell

Department: MSU IT Client Experience

Position at MSU: Manager, MSU IT Service Desk

Years Employed at MSU: 15

Years as an APSA Member: 03

Past Involvement/Current Interest: Prior to taking my current position, my past involvement with unions (primarily APA and APSA) had mostly been staying informed and taking part in our elections/ratifications by voting, and regular communication with leadership when I had questions or needed clarification. As the manager of a large team with multiple unions represented (CTU, APA, APSA), I have necessarily become much more familiar with the "little things" that impact the day-to-day working lives of our colleagues (and have continued to bother union leadership when necessary) and remain passionate about seeing those "little things" engaged and improved upon wherever possible.

Other Interests/Involvement at MSU: Since 2007, I have spent several years each working with RHS, the College of Education, the Office of the Controller, and MSU IT. It's given me the opportunity to see the University from many different perspectives and to appreciate what a collective bargaining unit can do for staff of all stripes.



Name: Chandos McCoy

Department: Residence Halls

Position at MSU: Manager Spartys and Vending

Years Employed at MSU: 35

Years as an APSA Member: 35

Past Involvement/Current Interest: I have always been an advocate for support staff, students and customers. In these challenging times ahead I want to use my experience to be an advocate for APSA membership as well.

Other Interests/Involvement at MSU: I have always been very interested in supporting diversity of all kinds. As Manager of McDonel Hall I received the University’s Team Diversity Award. When I was Manager of Owen Hall I received the Globie Award from the Office of International Students and Scholars. At that time I was the first person in MSU history to receive both recognitions. The passion I have for this level of service commitment still exists. In addition I served as our department representative on the 2020 planning committee. I was our department representative with MSU Bikes that helped it grow from a volunteer organization to a permanent part of MSU. I was also a department representative in planning the Neighborhood Concept for residence halls.



Name: Diann Wilson

Department: RHS- Culinary Services

Position at MSU: Assistant Dining Services Manager

Years Employed at MSU: 31.5

Years as an APSA Member: 3.5

Past Involvement/Current Interest: From 2014 to 2017 I volunteered to plan, cook and serve pre game meals to the St Johns High School football team. Responsibilities also included supervising and training other parent volunteers. In addition, I volunteered to train and supervise parent and student volunteers to work the concession stands for all sporting events at the high school. In my spare time I enjoy puzzles, visiting lighthouses around the state and spending time with my 3.5 year old grandson.

Other Interests/Involvement at MSU: I've been on the "Outstanding Supervisor Selection Committee" for over 10 years. Additionally as a 1585 union member I was a union steward for 3 years and an alternate steward for 2 years. I am currently working on completing my Bachelor's Degree in Food Industry Management at MSU.





CREATED BY APSA   |   2990 E Lake Lansing Rd., Suite 200, East Lansing, MI 48823

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