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The APSA Election will be held from April 18, 2023, to April 25, 2023.   


This year we will have 2 Executive Board Officer positions, Vice President and Membership Secretary, along with 4 Board of Directors positions.






Please preview the position descriptions below:


Vice President 

Term of office: Aug. 1, 2023 – July 31, 2027 - 4 years
Remuneration: $675/month 




  • As assigned by the President-Serve on Negotiation Committee and perform those tasks and duties pertaining to the preparation of materials and information needed for contract negotiations. All members of the Association shall be provided an opportunity to propose contract issues which will help determine the degree of support of the proposed contract issues and objectives.

  •  Serve as a liaison to Association representatives on designated committees and provide reports to the Executive Board of activities of designated committees that apply to the Association in the absence of any other reporting member.

  •  Perform duties common to all Executive Board members as listed in Section 5.4.

  •  Perform those tasks and duties that result from any grievance of concern arising from proper or improper administration of any Association contracts.

  • Consult with Association members and bargaining unit employees, as needed, including, but not limited to, concerns about contract issues or events in the person’s workplace.

  • Coordinate grievance paperwork.

  • Resolve or recommend methods of resolution to any such grievance matters that arise, reporting same to the President and/or Executive Board.

  • Represent members involving the Office of Institutional Equity (OIE), in any capacity of Claimant, Witness, and Respondent.  Review of draft reports, recommend rebuttals, and responses to support member’s position.  Represent member if discipline/suspension/or termination result based on Final Report.

  • Serve as Chair of the Grievance Committee.

  • Appoint the Association's Grievance Committee, subject to approval by the Executive Board.

  • Provide a current written grievance report at monthly Executive Board meetings and provide semi-annual written reports to the Association membership.

  • Consult and refer appropriate grievance matters to the Association's President and legal counsel.

  • Report to the President and/or Executive Board recommended methods of resolution to any grievance matters that arise. Seek Executive Board approval to pursue arbitration in specific cases.

  • Assist with training the Association's grievance committee, convene meetings of the grievance committee.

  • Perform duties common to all Executive Board members as listed in Section 5.4.

---Nominees for Vice President

Name: Michael Ouderkirk

Department: IPF - Maintenance Services

Position at MSU: Skilled Trades Supervisor

Years Employed at MSU: 27

Years as an APSA Member: 12.5

Past Involvement/Current Interest: I have served on the Executive Board since 2011. When I became a supervisor and APSA member, I was on second shift and would attend the board meetings so I could get familiar and more involved with the Association. First, I served as a Director, then became an Alternate Grievance officer. and then was elected as Vice President for Contract Administration. 

In my role as Vice President, my primary responsibility is to represent members during the grievance process. I have represented members during OIE investigations in their roles as Claimants, Witnesses, and Respondents. I have worked with departments to produce resolutions that protected our members’ rights and interests. These resolutions have reduced the need for legal counsel assistance and costs, which we have transferred the savings to our membership.

My other role is to serve on the Negotiations committee.  I have assisted in negotiating two Collective Bargaining Agreements which focused on increasing our educational assistance, accrued time off, paid parental leave, and many other additional benefits.  

I serve on the Joint Health Care Committee (JHCC) that works together with the other unions on campus and the University to support and promote the well-being of our members and their families through cost effective, accessible, quality driven health care. I have been part of the last two Healthcare/Wages MOU (2017-2021, 2022-2025) and many other enhancements to our healthcare plan. I am proud that we have maintained our fully funded healthcare.

I also serve on the newly created University Survey committee, to review and provide input on surveys sent to membership.

I have also served the membership during the recent events on campus: the pandemic and recent tragedy on February 13, 2023.

During the pandemic I assisted in negotiations the Furlough Agreements that protected our membership from layoffs while maintaining their health care benefits. I provided input for the University Remote Work Policy.

During the recent event on Feb 13, 2023- I met with University Leadership to discuss and provide input for the after-action items recommendations. I have also begun to meet with MSUPD (representing our members), bi-weekly to discuss safety and security concerns for them and the rest of the MSU Community.

I stay committed to serving the members of APSA. I met many of you through my involvement across campus and new member orientation and will continue to promote and protect our members' best interests. I would appreciate your continued support as we move forward with the Association. 


Other Interests/Involvement at MSU: Contract negotiations and Survey Committee 



Name: Gregory Hess

Department: IT Infrastructure

Position at MSU: Manager - Networks

Years Employed at MSU: 02

Years as an APSA Member: 02

Past Involvement/Current Interest: Current interest as I see APSA as very important in the next four years as the economy will tighten and protecting our members will be a difficult and important job.


Other Interests/Involvement at MSU: PhD student - IT Management



Name: Kathleen Deneau

Department: University Advancement 

Position at MSU: Senior Director of Annual Giving 

Years Employed at MSU: 23

Years as an APSA Member: 20

Past Involvement/Current Interest: As Recording Secretary for APSA members and the executive board for over 20 years, I feel privileged to represent and serve my fellow Michigan State University supervisors. I have gained an appreciation for the importance of members concerns by being a board member.  Additionally, I now have a greater understanding of the rights of our members pursuant to our collective bargaining agreement. I have also felt honored to be able to work alongside my fellow board members and to represent our members. 

I am applying for the Vice President position for two reasons. First, the work of our association in assuring the current contract is followed and in negotiating the best contracts possible for our member is critical to our membership.  Second, I am confident that I will bring my experience as a supervisor coupled with my passion to help others, in this role while also working every day to improve our working conditions, culture, compensation and benefits offered by the university.  I have thoroughly enjoyed my time as your recording secretary, and I am hopeful to receive your support for my candidacy in this new role as your Vice President. 

If elected, I promise to work hard on your behalf, continue my record of attending all meetings, conscientiously voting on all association business, and representing our membership in a professional manner. I genuinely appreciate and value your support of my candidacy as your next Vice President.  Thank you! 


Other Interests/Involvement at MSU: As an employee, and two-time graduate of MSU (bachelor’s in communications and master’s in education,) and parent to an MSU graduate I am extremely dedicated to the success of this great institution, and I am committed to APSA’s role in helping to achieve that success. In addition to serving on the APSA executive board as the Recording Secretary, I regularly volunteer at various functions throughout our community and MSU.  



Membership Secretary

Term of office: Aug. 1, 2023 – July 31, 2026 - 3 years

Remuneration: $250/month 




  • Maintain a list of paying members.

  • Coordinate the compiling of reports as applies to membership and as directed by President.

  • Correspond with potential members.

  • Coordinate any non-University membership benefits.

  • Provide a current monthly membership report at the Executive Board meetings and at the semi-annual membership meetings.

  • Plan and coordinate orientation for new members.

  • Coordinate member gifts and special member events.

  • Perform duties common to all Executive Board members as listed in Section 5.4.

  • Perform all other duties which are normal to the Office of the Membership Secretary.

---Nominees for Membership Secretary

Name: Karla Bauer

Department: CHM Center for Bioethics and Social Justice

Position at MSU: Unit Administrator

Years Employed at MSU: 18

Years as an APSA Member: 17

Past Involvement/Current Interest: I have served on the Board for 11 years with 10 of those years as the membership secretary.  Within APSA, I serve as the chair of the Member Outreach Committee and on the current Negotiations Committee.  The Negotiations Committee will be part of the upcoming talks for a new Collective Bargaining Agreement aka union contract. Membership has changed a lot in the past 10 years with Right to Work and going paperless.  I represent the academic side of campus and feel it is important to have a diverse Board.  


Other Interests/Involvement at MSU: It is a privilege to be the APSA representative for the WorkLife Office Outstanding Supervisor Award committee.  





(4) Directors

Term of office: Aug. 1, 2023 – July 31, 2025 - 2 years

Remuneration: $60/month 




  • Represent the Association as an elected member of the Executive Board.

  • Perform duties authorized by the President and/or the Executive Board.

  • Attend all monthly Board meetings, retreats, and special meetings, unless excused by the President. Begin attending Board meetings as soon as elected to the position with voting privileges to begin when term of office begins.

  • Serve as members of Association committees and/or University committees, as appointed by the Association President or Executive Board.

  • If the President is unable to make appointments as set forth in these Bylaws, the majority of the Executive Board present and voting will designate an Acting President until the President is able to resume their duties.

  • Act as Recording Secretary, as appointed by the President, if said Secretary is unable to attend a monthly Executive Board meeting.

  • Be available to all Association bargaining unit employees for consultation and be knowledgeable to direct said bargaining unit employee to the appropriate Association Officer, if further consultation is needed.

  • Vote on issues brought before the Executive Board.

  • Approve all appointments of committee members.

  • At the expiration of their term shall deliver to their successor all books, monies,and other property of the Association.5.5


Nominees for Directors


Name: Jeremy Patchett

Department: MSU Police

Position at MSU: Police Sergeant

Years Employed at MSU: 12

Years as an APSA Member: 1.5

Past Involvement/Current Interest: I am interested in making sure that current APSA members are treated fairly and in accordance with collective bargaining agreements

Other Interests/Involvement at MSU: I graduated from MSU in 2010, and shortly after became an MSU police officer. As a police officer I was involved in many special assignments such as the Special Response Team, Motorcycle patrol, and firearms instructor. I was promoted in December 2021, and assigned to the patrol division as a Patrol Sergeant. I am proud of my fellow police officers and their bravery, and believe MSU is unique in our strength and resiliency.

During my off time, I enjoy spending time with my wife and 3 children, auto mechanics, and anything outdoors. 





Name: Sheryl Soczek

Department: Student Life & Engagement - Business & Financial Services

Position at MSU: Administrative Business Professional I/S 

Years Employed at MSU: 17

Years as an APSA Member: 15

Past Involvement/Current Interest: I have attended the majority of the bi-annual membership meetings and have had to use representation on both sides.  I am interested in promoting equity in wages of supervisors in level/job/education within MSU and outside MSU.  I also believe Vision Insurance should be a provided for benefit with the increase use of computers/phones/tablets at work.  


Other Interests/Involvement at MSU: My current involvement in MSU is working to support my area.  I also frequent Forest Akers Golf Course, MSU Tennis Center and the Wharton Center. 



Name: Ryan Kraft

Department: Refrigeration 

Position at MSU: Skilled Trades Supervisor 

Years Employed at MSU: 02

Years as an APSA Member: 02

Past Involvement/Current Interest: While I was the director of facilities operations for the Lansing School District I helped create and implement two union contracts. I was apart of many grievance and arbitration hearings. I worked well with both unit chairs on a daily basis.  


Other Interests/Involvement at MSU: I would be very interested in the a union position. I could share some of my past experiences. But more importantly I would like to learn more about our process.   



Name: Sam Fortino

Department: IPF - Mechanical Services

Position at MSU: Mechanical Services Supervisor

Years Employed at MSU: 09

Years as an APSA Member: 06

Past Involvement/Current Interest: I have been a director on the APSA Board for 4 years. During this time, we as a board have been through multiple situations that have challenged us, including a global pandemic, healthcare and wage negotiations, furloughs and just recently a shooting here on our campus. We are preparing to enter contract negotiations, where I will be on the negotiating team. I look forward to continuing my service to our union and I would hope that by me playing my small part, I can help push our Association to new heights. Thank you for your time and continued support.


Other Interests/Involvement at MSU: Lifelong Spartan sports fan and a general all around love for this University.




Name: John Eitel

Department: Student Life & Engagement/RHS

Position at MSU: Housing Assignments Office Assistant Manager

Years Employed at MSU: 01

Years as an APSA Member: 01

Past Involvement/Current Interest: Current recording secretary for daughter's parent involvement group at a middle college sited at EMU.  I would like to offer more support for my union than simply paying dues.


Other Interests/Involvement at MSU: Attended undergrad and earned MA at MSU, love high-tech and process improvement but write with/collect fountain pens.



Name: Rosemary Ridsdale

Department: Information Technology

Position at MSU: Federated IT Assistant Director (interim)

Years Employed at MSU: 05

Years as an APSA Member: 05

Past Involvement/Current Interest: My past involvement with APSA is in being a member for five years, staying informed through distributed communication, and reading the meeting minutes. I have also contacted our union president for his consultation on a couple of occasions.
My current interest is in sitting at the table supporting the APSA members. I want an opportunity to participate in negotiations and be a voice of the APSA member community.


Other Interests/Involvement at MSU: I grew up as a Spartan fan, and it is an honor to work at the University.
I have volunteered for MSU events.
In my personal life, I serve on my community Downtown Development Authority as a board member and treasure.
I regularly volunteer for a non-profit organization and in my community.
I have a Master of Business Administration with a focus on IT Management.



Name: Mariano Porco

Department: SLE (Culinary Services)

Position at MSU: Operations manager - Concessions

Years Employed at MSU: 22

Years as an APSA Member: 10+

Past Involvement/Current Interest: My name is Mario Porco and I am asking for your support and vote to be a Director on the APSA Executive Board.   I began working on campus in 2001, in Culinary Services, as an HR manager in MASP then was moved to East Complex. The last 14 years have been dedicated working in Concessions as an Operations Manager.  If you don’t know me, most people would say I’m a “Peoples Person”.  My passion is to be a role model when it comes to work ethics and drive.  Lead by example mentality.  The successes I have had in past 20 years has defined the person I am today. I put myself last and take care of the people around me whether it’s the team, staff, and customers. I have a never quit attitude to ensure the customers are getting the best experience possible.   Being a part of a dynamic team is what keeps me motivated.

I want to join an Executive Board that looks out for the best interest of their members.  To ensure we continue to have a good healthcare benefit moving forward.  I want to ensure/enforce that the university is treating members fairly and consistent within the language included in our CBA.   I would also like to get the opportunity to ensure members are being fairly compensated for their hard work and dedication to the university and its guests. 

Please consider me to join the APSA Executive Board where I will have more chances of affecting the lives of members and their families.  Standing up for what is right is a never-ending battle.  My past success of achievements and the relationships I have obtained at work, with customers and teams have defined me to what MSU represents. If I’m elected as a Director, I’m confident that my leadership and experiences will guide me in making the right decisions for our members.

Thank you for your consideration and time.


Other Interests/Involvement at MSU: I am a MSA Alumni and a resident of East Lansing.  I was born in Lansing and have been here for most of my life.  My kids attend East Lansing High School and I’m an active parent in my children’s activities throughout the years. I love spending time with my huge family.  Traveled to Italy numerous times visiting family and giving my family an opportunity to see a different culture.  I’ve coached k-5 soccer for a number of years.  Soccer is a passion I continue to be part of, while helping the next generation of soccer players. Another passion is going to the gym to stay on top of my health. I played soccer in the U.S.A and Italy in the first 23 years of my life. I enjoy the outdoors and staying busy with home projects in my spare time.




Name: Cheryl Berry

Department: Culinary Services

Position at MSU: Associate Director of Marketing & Communications

Years Employed at MSU: 11

Years as an APSA Member: 11

Past Involvement/Current Interest: I've been a part of the APSA union for 11 years and value the union for all it does for its members. The union ensures we have collective bargaining, job security, job safety measures, legal representation and solidarity. Although I haven't been directly involved with decisions, I have been able to voice my opinions and feel "heard" by my union and want to ensure that others feel the same way. As a communicator on campus, I understand the importance of outreach to members and inclusion so that all members feel they have a voice. Becoming a Director in the APSA union would help me represent the interest of my fellow coworkers and be an opportunity for personal growth and development.


Other Interests/Involvement at MSU: I've served on many project teams and committees during my time here including Sparticipation, Web Strategy, 1855 Place development, 2013 NACUFS Regional Conference, 2019 NACUFS National Conference 2019 NCTF Conference. I work closely with other communicators in the SLE Division and attend biweekly and monthly UComm meetings with communicators across campus.  




CREATED BY APSA   |   2990 E Lake Lansing Rd., Suite 200, East Lansing, MI 48823

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